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This speech just fires me up.

Butt Blaster

You need to squat. There’s no way around it. This is a quick little Yoga Tune Up Therapy Ball sequence to help unglue your tight glutes and piriformis to help you squat better.

Video Analysis

I love carrying my phone around and taking videos of people exercising so I can show them stuff their doing and help them correct it faster. It’s an extremely valuable coaching tool that I cannot emphasize enough. Now there is a way to make it even better. The Coach’s Eye iphone app allows me to add little lines and circles and freeze frame video to emphasize and illuminate points of performance. Apparently I can talk over the videos too and add commentary. I am really excited to play with this and use it to improve my coaching and my athletes.

Repetition and Familiarity

Two things I try to remind myself of are some things that I learned at the CrossFit Kids Cert: 1) make it fun and 2) you have years. Don’t be in a rush to get kids somewhere. Just make sure they keep having fun and coming back and eventually they will get there. Why is it so hard for me to remember this about adults as well?

Calm down and teach and eventually people will get it: some quicker than others. It doesn’t have to be today. Be patient and enjoy the process of teaching and make things fun for people and they will keep coming back and eventually they will get it. Something in me is in a rush for people to get it. It doesn’t have to be like that.

Learning involves repetition and intensity involves confidence and familiarity. If people can be encouraged to do a lot of good repetitions they will get better. If they do a lot of good repetitions they will be more familiar with the movements and more confident and will try harder. The main thing is that they need time. People have to come in day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year. The only way this will happen is if it fun for them. More time in the game makes people better more than any other single factor. My job is to keep people in the game as long as possible. Make it fun. Make it safe. Make it challenging enough so they never get bored.

Everyday Stuff

If it’s important, do it every day. If it’s not, don’t do it at all.

–Dan John

It has become apparent that in order to be normal and function right, I need to stretch my hip flexors every day. Additionally, I need to mobilize my thoracic spine. Finally I need to massage my neck and traps.

Reverse hypers are also going to be a part of my daily routine as they really do wonderful things for my back.

Stay off your traps!

Why it’s so important to have good shoulder mechanics.

Box Jumps

The hypothesis behind this experiment is to see if and when my mechanics break down and notice the impact it has on my speed and performance in a set of box jumps.

You can see when my posture breaks it sends me off balance, thus causing me to land forward or back and makes me have to correct and waste energy and break my rhythm.

Why So Fast?

This is a great video. Too bad I hate running.

Scaling and Modifying

This is a valuable video for a variety of reasons:

1) All yoga practitioners can learn something from this in terms of how to modify their practice around an injury.

2) All athletes should feel inspired not to make excuses to not train when injured and instead be creative and intelligent in their modifying and scaling of workouts.

3) Coaches and teachers can learn a lot about creative thinking and how to modify and scale movements by simply changing their orientation.

I’m glad I found this. Gives me some great ideas.

K-Starr hits another homer

I love the way Kelly Starrett looks at things. Fucking enlightened.