Author Archives: Coach Panda

Day 3 in LA

Wednesday afternoon, 20130821, I woke up and went with Todd Lavictoire, Claiborne Davis, Dinneen Viggiano and her friend Cindy to Trina Altman’s reformer class and did some pilates. She’s an amazing teacher and it was fun to play on the reformer.

That afternoon we all went to Jill Miller’s Yoga Tune Up class at Equinox in Santa Monica. It was great to be able to watch Jill teach in the gym setting and keep it light and fun.

I ran into Elise Joan who I used to practice with at Sonic Yoga. That was a wonderful surprise. She seems to be carving out a remarkable career.

In the afternoon I drove to CrossFit LA which is owned by my friend Andy Petranek and I met with Brian MacKenzie of CrossFit Endurance and we did some work on my running technique. First he filmed me running and then we did a bunch of drills mostly with the jumprope but also some banded sprints and some foot pull drills. Then he videod my running again and it was so much better.

Here is some video from our session:

Finished with 21, 15, 9
KB Swings, 32kg

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 jump rope pulling drill between each round.

If something is out of place put it in the right place.

Thursday 20130711

Started off with the idea to do a Grace/Cindy Mash-Up (a/k/a “Grindy”). Warming up I realized my left shoulder was feeling terrible and it was hard to put anything over my head. I thought maybe it would get better as I worked out. IT DID NOT! See the video. Bombed out after 3 rounds of 1 C&J @ 155 and 1 round of “Cindy”.

I can see how much pain I’m in and how slow I’m moving.

I was thinking maybe my humerus was out of the socked so I did some floor presses with the 155lb bar and just held the bar up. I could feel my arm out of the socket slowly sinking back in. After a few reps of that my shoulder felt a hundred times better. Rested and then did:

“Vomit Comet”
10 rounds for time of:
10 KB Swings, 32kg
10 Burpees

13:57 0:39 slower than last time on New Year’s Eve. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why can’t I PR anything? I’m so fucking out of shape.

Glad I worked out at least.


I got to work on my Snatch with Karyn Marshall today.

190lbs! PR

About frikkin’ time! I focused on keeping my arms relaxed. Really keeping my chest up and looking up and not letting my eyes drop to the floor.

The Pursuit of Virtuosity

I love articles like this. I just wish they would ask me for a quote seeing as I went to all that trouble to name my gym “Virtuosity.”

Fixing the Overhead Squat

One of the big faults in the Overhead Squat is that people follow an incorrect line of action. They neglect to send their butt back and down when initiating the descent. Therefore in order to fix this I recommend the Seated Overhead Good Morning. Start seated on a bench or low box with the bar in the overhead position with a snatch grip. A narrower grip will be more challenging and can be utilized for deeper stretching. Keep the knees out and the shins vertical to the floor. Lean forward at the hips, rolling to the front of the sits bones. Keep the shoulders active and keep pulling the bar back. Try to drop your chest between your knees while stabilizing the bar overhead. Return to an upright seated position. Do a lot of reps of this. You can also perform box squats with the bar overhead.


It’s so important to breathe properly. More and more I am seeing people that do not breathe properly and the dramatic effect it has on their performance.

Like with any physical endeavor, proper mechanics are essential to good performance. Likewise, mobility of the muscles and joints involved in respiration is crucial to success.

Faulty breathing patterns and habits create a lot of physical problems for many of our athletes. Therefore, I think the next step is to schedule a breathing workshop. Maybe 2 or 3 hours spend on just learning how to breathe and applying that to some constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity.

Fixing the Deadlift

I found that placing a light jumpstretch band around the athletes knees is a great way to get them to both externally rotate and initiate the knees back. Place a band around the knees of the athlete and stand in front of them pulling the band gently towards you. The athlete should be deadlifting something light like a kettlebell (a barbell will run into the band on the way up). Pulling the band forward and in will cause the athlete to push their knees back and out to resist the band. It’s a great two-for-one.

Fixing the Overhead Squat

I have know for a long time that people hold the bar incorrectly overhead. More recently I started putting together that holding the bar incorrectly negatively affects the shoulders. The other day when people were overhead squatting, I made them use a thumbless grip. This caused everyone to extend their wrists and press their palms up toward the ceiling and into the barbell. This also facilitated the external rotation of the shoulders. People’s overhead positions were immediately improved by this. It’s such a simple fix. It’s amazing. It is also extremely helpful for the BTN push press and the snatch balance where the elbows must be pointed down for a good line of action with the bar.

Consider Your Posture

Watching this TEDtalk really helped solidify in my mind the awesomeness of the work I do and the work that’s being done by people that are important to me. Posture is not only important for physical health, but it has a wonderful ripple effect on hormonal and emotional changes to the individual. With a minimum effective dosage of 2 minutes, you can affect a change mood and self-perception that is accompanied with an increase in Testosterone and a decrease in Cortisol. Just that alone makes me feel even better about using my standing desk and makes never want to stop using it. Additionally, over time you can eventually become that more powerful individual. Maybe a 2 minute warmup in a power pose is what we need before WODs?

The Goose and the Gander

Been taking some of my own medicine lately. I’m tired of sucking at bodyweight movement, so I have been doing the bodyweight warmup (or variations thereof) that I prescribe for class.

1500m Row

3 rounds of
10 Banded Pull-ups super strict
10 Dips
10 Lunges
10 V-ups
10 KB swings
Jump Rope

Clean & Jerks
Up to 3 at 165lbs

3 rds
10 Bent over rows 95lbs
5 Press
5 Push Press 95lbs

P-Bar walks
Handstand holds
Ring swings
P-Bar swings

3 rounds of:
10 banded pull-ups
10 banded HSPU
10 assisted pistols
10 ring rows
10 ring push-ups
10 assisted pistols

5 rounds
5 x 24″ Box jumpovers
10 KB swings, 32kg
5 x 24″ Box jumpovers
5 Thrusters, 95lbs
1min rest

Completed a full round each time.

Need to keep up with the upper body intensive stuff. I need to keep up and increase this volume in order to get my upper body functioning at a higher level. I also have to keep working the pistols and handstands because I feel like I have lost a lot of my basic gymnastics base…but it’s coming back slowly.