Author Archives: Coach Panda

Day 27 – The Neck Romancer.

The neck muscles get short and tight from bad posture and staring at our phones all day. Use the Neck Romancer to relieve the sternocleidomastoid (“SCM”) and platysma in the front of the neck. You will feel a few inches taller after doing this and undo some of the damage of text-neck.

Turn your head to the right to make your left SCM protrude. Take a Yoga Tune Up® ball and place it on the left SCM near the sternum. Turn your head to the left and look down to let the SCM go slack. Take the slack out by spinning the YTU ball. Once you pin and spin all the slack out, look up and over your right shoulder. Keep moving the ball up the SCM all the way to the mastoid process behind the ear. Spend a couple of minutes on each side. Enjoy your new posture when you’re done.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

Day 27 of 30. The Neck Romancer. from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 26 – The Scap Eraser.

The infraspinatus and teres minor are two of the rotator cuff muscles that attach to the scapula. The rotator cuff is responsible for stabilizing the shoulder. They can get overused and short. Short muscles are weak muscles. We want to massage the rotator cuff muscles regularly to keep them strong and supple.

For this technique you need to find your scapula. Reach across your chest and grab the latissimus dorsi on the opposite side. You should be able to feel the lateral border of the scap. Place a Yoga Tune Up® ball on the back of the lat and slide your shoulder blade on top of the ball. Drop your knees to the same side in order to bias your weight on top of the ball. Once you have the scap on top of the ball breathe and stay still and create some sustained compression. In order to create some movement perform simple movements of the arm to move the scap over the ball. Try abduction and adduction, internal and external rotation, flexion and extension. Spend 3 or 4 minutes on each side. If it’s too intense, try to do the technique standing against the wall or do it in many shorter segments.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

Day 26 of 30. The Scap Eraser. from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 25 – The Jawbreaker (BIYM)

You ever clench your jaw? Grind your teeth? Lots of people do. Today we are going to massage the masseter muscle of the jaw and the temporalis muscle. Grab your Yoga Tune Up® ball and a yoga block. Rest your head on the block and place the ball next to your jaw right at the temporomandibular joint. Make big movements with your jaw to massage the masseter muscle. Open and close your mouth, then move your mandible side to side and then forward and back. Spend several minutes on each side of the jaw. Next move the ball up to your temple and gently roll out the temporalis muscle that frames your temple. After massaging both sides for several minutes you should feel relaxed and ready for sleep.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

Day 25 of 30. The Jawbreaker (BIYM) from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 24 – The Headrest

A lot of people hold tension in the base of the skull and neck. The occiput is a junction between the dura mater that surrounds the brain and spinal cord, rectus capitis posterior major, the splenius capitis, and the trapezius. When things tighten up around the occiput people complain of headaches. The headrest is a great way to bring some much needed relief.

Use your Yoga Tune Up® balls in the tote and place them on a yoga block. Rest the back of your head on the balls. Turn down the lights and/or close your eyes. Slowly explore different head movements: up & down, side-to-side, ear-to-shoulder, and figure 8s. Five or minutes here and you should start to get very relaxed. I recommend doing this before bed.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

Day 24 of 30. The Headrest. from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 23 – Give Your Chest a Rest.

Today we are going to restore some freedom to our chest and ribs. Short pecs and lack of movement of the ribs can negatively impact your breathing as well as your shoulder function. In order to give your chest a rest you are going get a Yoga Tune Up® Coregeous ball and lie down on top of it. With the ball right in the middle of sternum relax over the ball and try to shape yourself around the ball. Slowly start to roll over the ball and massage the chest. Try to pin and spin yourself over the ball too. Stay relaxed. Less is more with this technique.

Check in and check out with lying on your back breathing and also raising your arms overhead. Notice the quality of your breath and notice if your overhead position is improved.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

Day 23 of 30. Give Your Chest a Rest. from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 22 – Gun Maintenance.

Sunday is a good day for some Gun Maintenance. Taking care of the biceps is important but rarely gets done. It’s hard to roll them on a foam roller but you can do some good work with a Yoga Tune Up® ball. Use an individual ball to twist the skin up and free up those tight tissues. Give your biceps a thorough cleaning and you will feel amazing afterward.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

Day 22 of 30. Gun Maintenance. from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 21 – Tried and True.

Did you know tight triceps can impede your front rack and your overhead position? They can also lead to a lot of elbow pain. This Tried and True technique will make you feel great and improve your mobility.

Use the Yoga Tune Up® balls in the tote and put your upper arm in the groove. Use your other hand to add a little extra pressure. Start with a simple roll up and down, then use a pin and stretch technique by flexing and extending the elbow and finally internally and externally rotate to get all the tight corners. Check in and Check out with any shoulder movement: extension, flexion or the front rack. You’ll notice a lot of improvement.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

Day 21 of 30. Tried and True. from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 20 – Put Your Balls On The Table.

It’s Friday and time to put your balls on the table. People always complain that they don’t have time to do mobility work. That’s ridiculous. You can roll out right at your desk at work or on the kitchen counter. It doesn’t take any extra time in your day to give yourself some relief.

Take a pair of Yoga Tune Up® balls in their tote and place it on your table. Place one forearm on top of the balls and apply extra pressure with the other forearm resting on top so your arms are crossed. Work each forearm for several minutes. Enjoy the good feelings.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

Day 20 of 30. Put Your Balls On The Table. from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 19 – The Impaler

The psoas is a strong hip flexor that connects your lumbar spine to your femur. If you sit for a long time it gets short. If it gets short it creates back problems, breathing problems, hip problems, problems, problems and problems. You should stretch it often. How often? You only have to stretch your psoas on days that you sit down. If you don’t sit down, then you don’t have to bother stretching it that day. However, stretching isn’t enough you need to give it the occasional massage. If you can’t afford to pay someone to massage you once or twice per week, then get a Yoga Tune Up® Alpha ball and do this move regularly.

I call it “The Impaler.” You’ll soon understand why. You find the spot that is 1/3 the distance from your hip bone to your navel. Place the ball there and lie down on top of it. Take the opposite knee and bring it up toward your shoulder. Breathe slowly and deeply. If you’ve been sitting for a long time and your hip flexors are tight, do not rush through this. Spend three to five minutes per side. Catch up on your social media or reading.

Check in and check out by just standing up. You should feel taller after doing this and your lower back should feel some relief.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

Day 19 of 30. The Impaler. from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 18 – The Speed Bumps

Today we roll the lats (latissimus dorsi) as well as the intercostals and the serratus anterior. The lats are big back muscles that aid in pulling as well as stabilizing the back. If they’re tight it can limit range of motion in the shoulders as well contribute to back and shoulder pain. The serratus and intercostals attach to your ribs so if they’re tight, it affects breathing as well as shoulder range. You are going to feel so much better after today.

Lie down on your side and place a Yoga Tune Up® Alpha ball underneath your armpit. Slowly roll the ball toward the back of your body. It will feel like the ball is going over a giant speed bump, that’s your lat. Slowly work the ball from front to back going over that big speed bump slowly. Gradually reposition the ball lower and lower. After massaging the lat, start to work on the ribs. Gently rolling the ball across the ribs. You will notice as you roll over the surface of your rib cage there are lots of speed bumps. Take it slow. Don’t do this if you have osteoporosis or a history of weak bones. Try doing this against a wall with very light pressure if lying on the ball is too intense.

Check in and check out with that overhead position and with some deep slow breathing. You should notice some real improvement.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

Day 18 of 30. The Speed Bumps. from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.